Retirement planning resources


Pacific Church Network is partnering with Guidestone which offers numerous tools and resources designed to help you start strong toward your retirement income goals.

Support from GuideStone

Once you’ve enrolled, we will come alongside you to help enhance your financial security with several resources, including:

  • MyGuideStone™. GuideStone participants have a personalized home page called MyGuideStone. Here participants can instantly adjust their portfolio, update their account and customize their personal dashboard. They also receive important notices, such as quarterly account statements, through eDelivery.
    View a video about the benefits of MyGuideStone.

  • Retirement Planning & Guidance. No matter where you are on your retirement journey, we have the resources you need to help you every step of the way.

  • Quarterly account statements. With GuideStone’s account statements, participants can view their account information, see the potential impact of a contribution increase, see specific details about their funds and stay updated with helpful messages and tips.
    Watch a short video to learn more.


Retirement calculators and resources



Additional support

Participants can take advantage of many other areas of support from GuideStone, including informative webinars, online presentations and newsletters. And, of course, our live customer solutions experts are always ready to answer your questions at 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433) between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. CST Monday–Friday. You can also email us at your convenience.  You may also call PCN's office at 909.944.5900.

Get started in a few simple steps

Open an account

*Financial advice provided by GuideStone Advisors, a controlled affiliate of GuideStone Financial Resources.


403(b)(9) REcommended Church Plans

A 403(b)(9) is a defined contribution plan specifically designed for the unique needs of evangelical churches or church organizations. While similar to other 403(b) and 401(k) plans, 403(b)(9) plans are not subject to certain ERISA requirements, such as annual 5500 reporting. In addition, 403(b)(9) plans offer retired ministers the ability to have retirement distributions designated as housing allowance.  

Who can participate?

All employees are eligible to participate unless the plan specifically excludes them.

Types of plan contributions

  • Based on specific plan provisions, participants can elect to have their employer to withhold money from their paycheck that can be contributed as a tax-sheltered, after-tax or Roth elective deferral contribution.

  • Based on specific plan provisions, employers can make matching, non-matching or discretionary contributions.


The employer has flexibility in determining which employees are eligible. As an example, an employer may impose age and/or service requirements before an employee can participate in the plan.

Potential tax advantages (visit GuideStone's webpage for updated potential tax advantages)

  • Employer contributions are not subject to Social Security tax or income tax at the time of the contribution.

  • Tax-sheltered participant contributions are not subject to income tax until distributed.

  • Tax-sheltered participant contributions by ministers are not subject to Social Security tax.

  • Rollovers from other eligible retirement plans or Traditional IRAs are possible without tax consequences.

  • Earnings on all contributions and rollovers are tax-deferred.

  • Earnings on Roth elective deferral contributions can be withdrawn tax-free if certain conditions are met.

  • Retirees who are ministers may have retirement benefits designated as a tax-free housing allowance within legal limits.